Monthly meetings
March to November, normally the last Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm.
Speaker series
We invite guest speakers to address us on topical and stimulating issues. Although the speaker is always a recognised expert in their own field, the talks are aimed at a general audience. Before the meeting we invite young scientists to give a curtain raiser speech about their work.
Here is the current calendar of meetings for this year. If you are not member and so haven't received the latest newsletter, you might like to check the details are correct by contacting a Council member (or you could join up and get your own newsletter to remind you!).
Monthly newsletter
There is an informative monthly newsletter listing coming events and items of interest. Find copies of our newsletter here.
Full financial members of the branch can have access to the University of Canterbury Library. Details of access are available through the treasurer.
Science Fair Support
As part of its role of promoting the understanding of science and technology, the RSNZCB supports prizes at the Canterbury-Westland Science Fair.
CO2 monitor
The branch has a CO2 monitor that is available for members to use. To request use, please email here.